A new webmail is being introduced by PLESK, and is now installed on our systems. It's very good! Its features are: What is SOGo? SOGo is a groupware server that provides a rich AJAX-based Web interface and offers your users a uniform and complete interface to access their information. The SOGo Webmail extension provides the following ... Több... »
PLESK GmBH has notified us that Horde webmail software is being removed from PLESK control panels as of April 2025.
Before or after this date, please go into your hosting panel and switch to another webmail.
If you have a .com.tr domain, you might be interested in the .TR domains now available!
Hurry: You have until the 14th to register them!
If you are satisfied with our service, could we trouble you to write a few lines about us?
would be much appreciated! Thank you!